Diederick van Groenewoud  – Chef de Clinique –

Influence on recovery processes


Amstelvener Diederick van Groenewoud (1979) has worked as a physiotherapist since 2001. As an active sports practitioner, he became interested in physiotherapy at a young age. He noted that the sports physiotherapist plays an important and often decisive role in the recovery process in the event of injuries. Due to his passion for sports and his experiences with physiotherapy, he specialized in sports physiotherapy immediately after the physiotherapy training. Since 2005 he is a registered sports physiotherapist with the Dutch Association for Physiotherapy in Sports Health Care (NVFS).


Better insight thanks to Ultrasound


In 2003 he also trained in ultrasound (MSU) and was thus able to assess anatomy and (sports) injuries from a different perspective. This allows him to make a better diagnosis and more often provide clarity about the nature and severity of the injury. This allows a more reliable forecast of the length of the recovery process. In addition, an image can more easily convince a person when creating a customized treatment plan.

Fysio Quality - duizeligheid

Experience in top sport


Since 2007, he is also a recognized manual therapist and masters both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ manual techniques that can directly influence the function of the joint. As a registered NVFS sports physiotherapist and manual therapist, Diederick has extensive experience in top sports among Olympic athletes for winter and summer games. Before starting Fysio Quality in Amstelveen, he worked as a sports physiotherapist in Aalsmeer at an SMA. He has gained experience at home and abroad in guiding professional and Olympic athletes in swimming, football, skating, tennis, taekwondo, judo, handball and running. Since 2009 he has been affiliated as a sports physiotherapist to the Dutch Judo Association (JBN) and he supervises training and competitions at home and abroad of the Dutch judo top.


Anatomy teacher


Diederick van Groenewoud teaches cutting rooms at the UMC to physiotherapists. The cutting room examines the anatomy and its relevance for physiotherapy diagnostics and treatment. In addition, he is co-owner of Axcen. Training and research are initiated from Axcen.




  • Huco Leopold
  • Robert Baardse
  • Alexander Kudis
  • Ernst van der Wijk
  • Chris Riezebos
  • Frank Timmermans
  • Ben van Cranenburg
  • Ruud Schuitemakers
  • Leon Chaitow
  • Michel Shacklock
  • Anton de Wijer
  • Lieven Danneels
  • Craig Liebenson
  • Stuart McGill
  • Eyal Lederman
  • Hans van de Berg
  • Leo Hagenaars †
  • Hans van Ettekoven †
  • Toine van de Goolberg
  • Michel Coppieters
  • Brian Mulligan
  • Ton Leenders
Judoka Dex Elmont samen met Diederick van Groenewoud

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