Dry needling is a treatment performed by a trained physiotherapist. Treatment takes place with an acupuncture needle. With the injection, no substances are injected into the body, as a doctor does. By piercing a muscle, the blood flow will increase and the muscle tension will immediately decrease. The points that are punctured are called ‘myofascial trigger points’. These trigger points feel harder and cause pain with local pressure and sometimes radiating pain (referred pain). The points are well documented by Travell & Simons. Trigger points can cause complaints that can make a muscle painful and stiff and possibly lose strength. Dry needling is a form of trigger point therapy.
There are several ways to treat trigger points. When deactivating the myofascial trigger points by dry needling, the muscle can tighten during the piercing. This feels like a cramp and is called a twitch. After this, the muscle tension decreases. Most people immediately feel an increase in freedom of movement. Based on experience, it can be determined that dry needling is the best method for applying deep trigger points and trigger points that have been around for a long time. After the treatment, local or general fatigue may occur in addition to a feeling of a fair. In some cases, a bruise develops. These reactions are different for each individual, but usually recover within 48 hours.
The dry needling treatment is clearly different from an acupuncture treatment. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling uses a needle. In addition, the needle with dry needling only stays in the muscle for a short time. Treatment focuses on the muscles. The twitch that is usually experienced several times is characteristic of dry needling. The number of injections depends on the amount of muscles involved that contribute to the complaints, the duration of the complaints and the response to the injection.
At Fysio Quality in Amstelveen, dry needling (if indicated) will always be part of the total treatment. Trigger points are often the result of factors such as ‘incorrect posture’, ‘one-sided movement’, ‘incorrect movement’, ‘too little movement’, ‘stress’, etc. We do not charge extra costs for a treatment with dry needling. Fysio Quality is affiliated with the Dutch Dry Needling Association.